About Us

We (Andrea and Jonas) live with our animals in a small cottage from the 1920s, with approximately 3ha of land (forest and meadows) in  Tiveden at the northern tip of Lake Unden.

In addition to cats, we also  breed of a type of forest sheep (Åsenfår) and sell their wool and sheepskin. We build climbing trees and make sleeping pads of wool for our cats. (Hompage Sheeps www.skogslyktan.n.nu)



Before Fiona, we had another female called "Cia" which was half forest cat, unfortunately she got sick ... Then I found Fiona and recognised the beautiful forest cat character as well as the amazing coat. On top were the color and her eyes so similar, so I fell in love and just had to buy her. After buying the first pedigree cat and already working on animal breeding, it feels natural to also try this with cats, so within a few years, there are probably a number of sweet "Norwegian Forest Cats" for sale ...


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